My Tasks

My Tasks is your single place to keep track of everything you're working on — across all of your projects and apps.

If you work in the browser, most of your work probably happens in tabs. Workona makes it frictionless to create a task for your current tab so once you're ready to get the task done, the link will be a click away.

Not only is My Tasks great for keeping track of your everyday work tasks, it also allows you to see all of your tasks from every workspace and even jump into a project in an instant. Star important tasks from your workspaces to prioritize them into Today, Soon, or whatever other starred sections you decide to create.

We recommend pinning the dedicated My Tasks tab so it's always a click away while you work, or you can access My Tasks from any tab with the Workona Tasks extension.

Add a task to My Tasks

  1. Open Workona.
  2. Click My Tasks at the top of the sidebar or access it in a tab.
  3. Click Add task to create a new task. If you'd like to create a task above the other tasks, click the + button that appears to the right of each starred section's name.
  4. Start typing to add a task name.
Add tasks within workspaces to My Tasks
Star workspace tasks to add them to a starred section in My Tasks.
To insert a new task below another task, press RETURN (ENTER on Windows).

Add a task for your current tab

  1. Add the Workona Tasks extension to your browser.
  2. Chrome only: Pin the extension to the browser bar.
  3. From any tab in your browser, click the Workona Tasks extension button (blue circle with white checkmark icon) that appears to the right of your browser's address bar.
  4. Click My Tasks in the header.
  5. To create a task for your current tab, simply start typing a new task name. The current tab will be auto-attached by default (uncheck the box next to Auto-attach current tab to disable this).
Use tab title as task name
To use the tab's title as the task name, click the 'Attach current tab' button (paperclip icon) that appears at the front of an empty new task.
With the Workona Tasks extension installed, add a task for your current tab with the OPTION-Z shortcut (ALT-Z on Windows).

Basic functionality of tasks

View your tasks from all workspaces in My Tasks

  1. Open Workona.
  2. Click My Tasks at the top of the sidebar or access it in a tab.
  3. Notice that all of your private and assigned tasks from every workspace appear below your starred sections.
  4. To prioritize your workspace tasks into a starred section (e.g. Today or Soon), simply drag the task or star it.
Keep your task list a click away
We recommend pinning the My Tasks tab so it's always at your fingertips while you work.

Prioritize important tasks within starred sections

  1. Open Workona.
  2. Click My Tasks at the top of the sidebar or access it in a tab.
  3. Add tasks to your starred sections:
    • Create tasks in your starred sections directly. This is how you should keep track of tasks that don't have to do with a specific workspace.
    • Drag and drop tasks from the workspace task lists at the bottom of My Tasks into the starred sections (e.g. Today, Soon, etc.) at the top of My Tasks. This method allows you to put a task exactly where you want it in a single step.
    • Click the Star task button (star icon) that appears when you hover over the task. You can also optionally change the starred section (e.g. Today, Soon, etc.).
  4. You can also drag and drop tasks up and down within the starred sections to make sure your top priority is always top of mind.
Organize your task list however you want
To create custom starred sections within My Tasks, click the right side of the blue 'New task' button. You can also rename or delete any starred section (e.g. Today) by clicking the **`⋮`** button that appears on the top-right when you hover over a starred section.

Star important tasks from your workspaces

  1. Open Workona.
  2. Click My Tasks at the top of the sidebar or access it in a tab.
  3. Find the task that you want to star in the workspace.
  4. Click the Star task button (star icon) that appears when you hover over the task.
  5. Optionally change the starred section (e.g. Today, Soon, etc.).
  • Note: You can also create tasks in your starred sections directly.
Drag tasks to star
Within My Tasks, you can drag tasks directly into your starred sections from the workspaces below. This allows you to put a task exactly where you want it in a single step.

Add a task to a workspace from My Tasks

  1. Open Workona.
  2. Click My Tasks at the top of the sidebar or access it in a tab.
  3. Click the Add to workspace button that appears when you hover over a task in the starred sections.
  4. Notice the workspace name now appears where the Add to workspace button used to be.
Change your mind?
To remove the task from a workspace, simply click the workspace name (see step 4 above), then click 'Remove'.

Open a workspace from My Tasks

  1. Open Workona.
  2. Click My Tasks at the top of the sidebar or access it in a tab.
  3. Click the Open workspace button in either of the following two locations:
    • From the starred sections, click the workspace name that appears on the right side of each task (only applies to tasks that are located within workspaces). You'll see the Open workspace button in this popup.
    • From the workspace task lists, hover over a workspace's name and you'll see the Open workspace button appear on the top-right side.
Open task attachments in the associated workspace
When you open a task attachment from My Tasks, by default it will open in the workspace that the task is located within. To open the attachment in the current workspace instead, simply CMD-click it (CTRL-click on Windows).

Access My Tasks in a dedicated tab

  1. Open Workona.
  2. Click My Tasks at the top of the sidebar.
  3. Click the Open My Tasks as a tab button in the top-right of the screen.
You can always access My Tasks from this easy-to-remember URL:
With the Workona Tasks extension installed, access My Tasks instantly with the OPTION-SHIFT-Z shortcut (ALT-SHIFT-Z on Windows).

Access My Tasks from the extension

  1. Add the Workona Tasks extension to your browser.
  2. Chrome only: Pin the extension to the browser bar.
  3. From any tab in your browser, click the Workona Tasks extension button (blue circle with white checkmark icon) that appears to the right of your browser's address bar.
  4. Click My Tasks in the header.
Access your tasks without breaking your flow
Click the extension button from any tab to quickly add or manage tasks without breaking your flow. Read the Workona Tasks extension help article for more information.
Open the Workona Tasks extension instantly from anywhere in the browser with the OPTION-Z shortcut (ALT-Z on Windows).

Show completed tasks

  1. Open Workona.
  2. Click My Tasks at the top of the sidebar or access it in a tab.
  3. Click Complete in the header.
  4. To hide completed tasks again, simply click Incomplete in the header.
Mark incomplete
If you accidentally checked off a task, you can mark the task incomplete again by clicking the check mark.