Universal Search

Workona’s universal search bar allows you to find and create nearly anything in the cloud. In most cases, you'll find your work much faster with Workona's search than with the browser's default search. We show results from:

  • Google Drive - all of your files in Drive, not just recent ones
  • Chrome (or your current browser) - open tabs & history
  • Workona - everything you’ve saved or created in Workona

How to:

Search for your work

  1. Open Workona.
  2. Click the search bar at the top of a workspace and type the name of what you’re looking for, whether it's in your browser, Google Drive, or Workona.
  3. If you install the optional Tab Manager extension, you can access universal search instantly from any tab with the shortcuts OPTION + S (Mac) or ALT + S (Windows).




  1. Click the search result to open it, or press the RETURN key (ENTER on Windows) if the result is already selected.
Make universal search your default
Try using the OPTION-S shortcut (ALT-S on Windows), instead of CMD-T (or CTRL-T) whenever you're looking for a doc or other work resource.

Switch to tab

This feature is only available if you have installed the optional Tab Manager extension.

  1. Open Workona.
  2. Add the Tab Manager extension if you haven't already.
  3. Click the search bar at the top of a workspace and type the name of a tab.
  4. Click the search result to open it, or press the RETURN key (ENTER on Windows) if the result is already selected.
  5. Workona will switch you to the existing tab — even if it’s in a different workspace.
Open another copy of the tab
To open an additional copy of the tab in your current workspace, click the 'Open in new tab' button, or use the shortcut COMMAND-RETURN (CTRL-ENTER on Windows).

Jump between recent tabs

If you have the optional Tab Manager extension installed, not only can you search your browser tabs, you can quickly jump between your most recent tabs.

  1. Open Workona.
  2. Add the Tab Manager extension if you haven't already.
  3. Click the search bar at the top of a workspace.
  4. Notice that your most recent tabs appear (excluding the tab you're on), ordered by recency.
Easily toggle between two tabs
From one of the tabs, use the shortcut OPTION-A-RETURN (ALT-A-ENTER on Windows) to instantly switch to the last tab you were on. Repeat this shortcut once more to switch back to the first tab. This shortcut is also useful in those 'What was I just doing?' moments.

Filter search by apps & more

This feature is only available if you have installed the optional Tab Manager extension.

  1. Open Workona.

  2. Click the search bar at the top of a workspace.

  3. Under the search field, click the icon (or type the name) of the app you want to filter by. For example, you can click their icons or type the name to filter by these popular apps:

    • Google Drive
    • Airtable
    • Trello
  4. Optionally, type the name of the app resource in the search bar to get more specific results. For example:

    • Google Drive website messaging
    • Airtable user interview plan
    • Trello sprint board
  5. To filter by resources, tasks, or notes, click the icon under the search field (or type resources, tasks, or notes), followed by the name of the resource, task, or note.

  6. Click the search result to open it, or press the RETURN key (ENTER on Windows) if the result is already selected.

Create docs and more

You can create Google Docs, Zoom Meetings, Figma Files, and hundreds more from Workona's search bar. This feature is only available if you have installed the optional Tab Manager extension.

  1. Open Workona.

  2. Click the search bar and type new to see all the app resources you can create. For example:

    • New Google Doc
    • New Zoom Meeting
    • New Google Calendar Event
    • New Slack Channel
    • New Figma File
    • New Asana Task
    • New GitHub Gist
  3. Or type new followed by the name of the app resource you want to create.

  4. Click the app resource to create it, or press the RETURN key (ENTER on Windows) if the app resource is already selected.

Create docs even faster
Use the shortcut OPTION-N (ALT-N on Windows) to instantly create new docs while you work.