
Teams make collaborating and sharing workspaces with a group of coworkers easy. Use team sections to organize your team workspaces and bring order to your team's work.

Go to the team admin dashboard

  1. Open the team admin dashboard
    • Go directly to
    • Alternatively, click your picture/initials at the bottom of the sidebar in Workona, then click Teams.
  2. Click on the team you want to manage, or create a new one.

Create a team

  1. Go to the team admin dashboard at
  2. Click Create a team.
  3. Type in a team name.
  4. Start your Team subscription.
  5. Add team members to your new team.
  6. Drag workspaces into the new team section that appears in the sidebar, or share workspaces individually.
Create multiple teams
Only users on the Enterprise plan are able to create or join multiple teams. Contact our sales team for help.

Rename a team

You must be a team admin to rename a team.
  1. Go to the team admin dashboard at and select the team you want to manage.
  2. Click Settings in the sidebar.
  3. Enter a new team name.
  4. Click the Save button.

Add team members

  1. Go to the team admin dashboard at and select the team you want to manage.
  2. Click Members in the sidebar.
  3. Add team members.
    • Via email — Click the Add team members button.
    • Via Slack — Click the Add team members button, then Connect to Slack.
    • Via link — Click the Invite link button to copy the link to your clipboard, then send it to your team however you'd like.
    • Existing organization members — Search for the person's name or email in the Search box and then click Add to team.
All team members must be organization members
If you're a member of an organization, invited team members will be added to your organization. You may not be permitted to do this, depending on your organization's security settings.

Add or update users with a CSV file

You must be an team admin to update team members via CSV.
  1. Go to the admin dashboard at and select the team you want to manage. If you don't see it, you may need to create an team first.
  2. Click Members in the sidebar.
  3. Click the Add team members button, then CSV.
  4. Download the example CSV file.
  5. Locate the CSV of the users you want to add, update, or remove. You can download a list of your employees in Google Workspace (G Suite), or export a Google Sheet or Microsoft Excel spreadsheet as a CSV.
  6. Reformat your CSV to match the example CSV file's headers and data formats exactly. More information about each column can be found below:
    • Email (required)
      • Enter the user's email address in the CSV.
      • e.g.
      • Used as the user's display name if no full name has been set.
      • In the case of removing team members, the user's email is used as the key when determining which team member to remove.
    • Full name (optional)
      • Enter the user's full name in the CSV.
      • e.g. Tom Scott
      • Preferentially used as the user's display name. If left blank, the user's email address will be used instead.
    • Remove team member (optional)
      • Leave blank to add the user, or enter Remove from team to remove them from the team. The user's account and data will not be deleted, they simply won't be a member of the team anymore.
      • e.g. Leave blank or Remove from team

Specify team admins

You must be a team admin to specify team admins.
  1. Go to the team admin dashboard at and select the team you want to manage.
  2. Click Members in the sidebar.
  3. Click the user's role (appears as either Team member or Team admin) to see the team role options.
  4. Specify whether the user should have team admin privileges, or if they should just be a team member.

Remove team members

You must be a team admin to remove team members.
  1. Go to the team admin dashboard at and select the team you want to manage.
  2. Click Members in the sidebar.
  3. Click the button on a team member you want to remove.
  4. Click Remove from team.
What happens when I remove someone?
The user will retain all of their personal workspaces and other data, but they will lose access to any content that has been shared with them through the team. If your team is part of an organization, the user will remain a member of the organization.

Share workspaces with your team

  1. Open a workspace.
  2. Click the Share button in the top-right of the screen.
  3. Click the Enter email or name field.
  4. Click your team name at the top of the menu. Alternatively, you can enter individual team members' names to share the workspace with specific people.
  5. Select whether team members should have permission to edit the workspace.
  6. Click the Invite people button.
  7. The workspace will appear instantly in each team member's sidebar.
How do shared workspaces work?
To learn more about shared workspaces, visit the collaboration help article.

Share a set of workspaces with your team

Workona generates a dedicated team section in the sidebar when you create a team to make it easy for your team to share workspaces. This section, along with the workspaces you add to it, will appear in the sidebar of each team member’s account.

  1. Open Workona.
  2. Locate the team section within the sidebar. Look for your team name in all caps, with a people icon to the right of it.
  3. From the sidebar, drag and drop an existing workspace into the team section, or create a workspace directly in the section.
  4. Select whether team members should have permission to edit the workspace.
  5. All team members will instantly see the workspace appear within the team section.
Keep organized with multiple team sections
Teams can create multiple team sections to keep shared workspaces organized. For example, you might create one team section called 'Client Projects' and another called 'Team Meetings'.

Manage team workspaces with sections

You must be a team admin to manage team workspaces and team sections.

Bring order to your team's collaboration by organizing your team workspaces into named team sections.

For example, you might have one team section called "Clients" that contain workspaces for each of your active client projects (e.g. Client Workspace A, Client Workspace B), and another team section called "Client Management" that contain workspaces for your team's various client management activities (e.g. Onboarding, Trainings).

  1. Go to the team admin dashboard at and select the team you want to manage.
  2. Click Workspaces in the sidebar.
    • New team section — Click the New Section button to create a new team section.
    • New team workspace — Click the New Workspace button to create a new workspace that's shared with the team.
    • Manage team workspaces — Click the button on a team workspace to manage it.
    • Organize team workspaces — Drag and drop workspaces into team sections to organize them.

Manage team workspace templates

  1. Go to the team admin dashboard at and select the team you want to manage.

  2. Click Templates in the sidebar.

  3. Click Workspace Templates in the sidebar, and the team’s workspace templates will appear.

  4. To manage a template, hover over a workspace template and click the buttons that appear:

    • Share template (team icon)
    • Edit template (pencil icon)
    • Delete template (trash icon)

Manage team doc templates

  1. Go to the team admin dashboard at and select the team you want to manage.

  2. Click Templates in the sidebar.

  3. Click Doc Templates in the sidebar, and the team’s doc templates will appear.

  4. To manage a template, hover over a doc template and click the buttons that appear:

    • Edit doc template settings (gear icon)
    • Edit doc template content (pencil & note icon)
    • Share doc template (team icon)
    • Delete doc template (trash icon)

Manage your team's subscription

You must be the team billing admin to manage a team's subscription.
  1. Go to the team admin dashboard at and select the team you want to manage.
  2. Click Billing in the sidebar.
Learn more about subscriptions & billing
Read the Subscriptions & Billing documentation for more information about billing.

Delete a team

You must be a team admin to delete a team.
  1. Go to the team admin dashboard at and select the team you want to manage.
  2. Click Settings in the sidebar.
  3. Click the button to the right of the word "Team".
  4. Click Delete team.
  5. Confirm that you want to delete the team.
What happens when I delete a team?
All users will be removed from the team and they will lose access to any content that has been shared with them through the team. Any team sections will be deleted, and the workspaces contained within them will be archived. No users will be deleted. If your team is part of an organization, the users will remain members of the organization.